
Showing posts from April, 2017

Self Help : 5 positive thoughts to remind yourself daily

Hey everyone, Welcome back! I got this quick post for you today about 5 thoughts you can remind yourself to make your day extra happy & extra positive.  They say : Inspiration doesn't last forever that's why it's recommended to get inspired everyday . So I hope these quotes help you feel better about your day :)  ✩ Don't lose faith, have hope. Life is so unpredictable that we tend to focus on the bad things about life than the good. We tend to remember the bad more than the good when really, we're forgetting how amazing those happy moments are to us. So when you're in your lowest moment , don't forget to have faith. Have faith that it will get better & you'll be happier. It may be tough now, but that won't last forever.  So just go out there, chase after your heart's content & do things that make you happy. Distract yourself with happiness instead of trying to push the problem aside. -------------------