
Showing posts from January, 2021

Happy New Year - End of 2020, Beginning of 2021.

 Hi everyone, Welcome back! Happy New Year! I hope you had a cozy warm celebration at home, I think most of us had. Anyways, 2020 has been really rough and I do hope 2021 will bring us all better times. I would like to dedicate this post to those who lost someone this year, who was working throughout the lockdown and for everyone who faced hardships this year. The end of the tunnel may seem far away but we must not lose hope . It's important to realize that a little goes a long way. If we keep ourselves safe, we also protect those that we come across everyday safe . It forms this domino effect that will eventually end this pandemic. So, let's all have some hope, be kind and keep ourselves safe.  With that being said, let's move to today's post. We are now back in lockdown again in the UK. Either in Tier 3 or Tier 4, we are under lockdown rules, once again. As devastating and depressing Christmas was in 2020, we ring in the New Year with another quiet celebration. To be