
Showing posts from October, 2019

Self Help: My simple everyday self care routine

Hey everyone, Welcome back. I've got a short and sweet post about my daily self care routine. It's something I'm trying to incorporate into my daily routine after work so it's work in progress but I hope it helps remind you the importance of taking the time for yourself to nourish and listen to your body & mind before the day ends. These tips run with the same headline which is 'do what fuels your body to feel happy'. Whether it's with exercise, eating, socializing, journalling, watching TV, reading - you do you. No matter what it is, there's no judgement here so long you know what makes you feel relaxed and can help you forget about your daily stress, then you're on right track. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For me, here are some of the things I have to do after I come home from a long day of work. 1) Take a shower/bath.  The