
Self Help: Being in my 30s

 Hi all, It has been a while. How are you? I'm good, I've been so busy with life that I found it hard to keep up with posting but I am back. I have been itching to come back for the last few months but been waiting to be in the right mental state to write this up. As you may now, I'm now in my 30s and yes, as everyone feels when we turn 30 - I too experienced society's pressure on being stable, financially secure, steady in my life, married and ready to start building a family.  For me, when I turned 30 years old a few years ago, all of these expectations hit me at once. Instead of feeling 'excited', I felt stressed, dread and just down. Suddenly, I'm no longer excited of what the future holds, where I could travel to, the financial freedom I have etc. This is the main reason why I'd like to write this post. It's to share with you my point of view of turning 30 years old. I hope this article makes you have a different perspective to entering your 30s

Relationship - Friendship in your 30s

 Hi, welcome back! I wanted to reflect today on my friendships and now that I'm in my 30s, I'm noticing how things have changed, my friendships/relationships have changed, how my perspective or what I want from a friendship has changed.  It's normal for friends to come and go as we progress further in our life. Our mindset and perspective changes as we grow older so accepting that people may come and go is normal. One thing I would say is that, it is hard making new friends as an adult and if you notice, a lot of people tend to stay within that same friendship group whether it's from an old work place, high school or university in their adult life.  I remember, in uni or in school, making friends comes naturally because you're in a room full of people of the same life circumstances so it's easier to connect. However, as an adult. you have different group of friends such as work friends, university friends, childhood friends, mum friends (if you're a parent)

Self Help - How to judge yourself less.

  Hi, welcome back! This topic came to my mind when I was caught doing it and yes, I admit from time to time, thoughts such as- 'why can't I be like this *person*, why am I not able to progress as far as them, why don't I get invited' or even statements like this- 'I'm not worth my time and effort, why should I take care of myself when no one cares, nobody would notice me if I am not around anyways, I get it wrong all the time anyways so this mistake is my fault, I don't deserve to be healthy or fit, what is the point of trying when I know I'm going to fail anyways'. This is some of the variation of thoughts, that came to my mind when I think about judging myself. Can I just say first and foremost that - THIS IS NORMAL . Unless you have not made a mistake, let anyone down or have failed in anything in your life so far, then you may not know what judging yourself feels like. This post is not for you in this case.  For the rest of us who have judge our

Beauty: Elf Bite Size Eyeshadow Palettes

 Hi everyone, Welcome back! Today we're looking at the  Elf Bite Size Eyeshadows . Can't believe they increased the price! It used to be 3 pounds when they first launched in 2020 and now, its 4 pounds each. Anyways, I'd still recommend them.  Let's take a closer look of these palettes.   Berry Bad   2 mattes and 2 shimmers.  Cream & Sugar 2 mattes and 2 shimmers. Pumpkin Pie 2 mattes and 2 shimmers  Rose Water 2 matte and 2 shimmers Here are the pros: 1) The shimmer shades for all palettes are creamy & pigmented - best to use your hands to apply than a brush 2) The mattes are easy to blend 3) Great drugstore quads for the price & quality 4) Easy to use 5) Travel friendly Here are the cons: 1) Some of the mattes can be powdery, need time to build up colour. 2) Some of mattes are brittle so I'd say buy it in store rather than delivery 3) The shimmer shade doesn't appear as pigmented if you use a brush to apply. These are my thoughts on the palette. My

Self Help: Why you should reward your struggles

Hey everyone, Welcome back!       It has been a long time since I last blog. I've been itching to come back, just was not sure of what to write and what would people think. Hence, it's why I've put it off for so long. I've had a few days off and as nervous as I am to express how I feel and write about things I enjoy doing/would like to share, I would like to slowly start posting about things I see/feel or love along the way. For me, this is a space to reflect and to let out my thoughts. Take what you will from my posts but I hope they help you in some way with your day. :) With that, let's get on with today's post! *excited* Today I'm writing about rewarding your struggles. It's something that's easily forgotten but it's very important that we do so. I went through this myself and this is why I'm here sharing with you how it has changed the way I view & value myself. A struggle is a phase or a moment in your life where you have experience

Self Help: Living abroad and dealing with the pandemic.

 Hi everyone, Welcome back.      I hope you are doing well. Today, I've got a lengthy post about the pandemic and how it has changed me & my family.      I understand that the pandemic has affected us all in our own way. This is not used to compare what you may have gone through but its for me to share what I've been through and what I have learnt from it.      The pandemic which has lasted for 1.5 years now, has changed us all. For me, it has made me more appreciative of what I have, be more grateful for the people in my life and also, make me rethink of the value in my expenditure. By living abroad, I do feel homesick more now than ever and the thought of not knowing when I can ever go back to Malaysia to visit my family, worries me.       At the end of the day, eventhough we are going through a pandemic/lockdown, time still carry on. We still get older, we still celebrate birthdays/anniversaries, weddings and pregnancies still continue. I believe this is where we start t

Self Help: How to create and set boundaries in your life

Hey everyone, Welcome back! The best quote to describe having boundaries is 'If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything' by Alexander Hamilton. Speaking of Hamilton, have you all seen the musical live on Netflix? It's so amazing. The songs, acting and the costumes were stunning. Definitely recommend! Anyways, back to the post. :)  There are the obvious boundaries that we are all aware, like for example when you're insulting someone in public, or when you talked about a controversial topic in public, these are the obvious boundaries that we are aware of. However, this post is about your own personal boundaries and what you allow people to say about you.  As we get older, you tend to discover what you like, dislike and your personal preferences to everything in life, the problem arises when someone confronts or challenges you about those things, how do you stand up for yourself during those times. So here are some ways that could help be more asserti

Happy New Year - End of 2020, Beginning of 2021.

 Hi everyone, Welcome back! Happy New Year! I hope you had a cozy warm celebration at home, I think most of us had. Anyways, 2020 has been really rough and I do hope 2021 will bring us all better times. I would like to dedicate this post to those who lost someone this year, who was working throughout the lockdown and for everyone who faced hardships this year. The end of the tunnel may seem far away but we must not lose hope . It's important to realize that a little goes a long way. If we keep ourselves safe, we also protect those that we come across everyday safe . It forms this domino effect that will eventually end this pandemic. So, let's all have some hope, be kind and keep ourselves safe.  With that being said, let's move to today's post. We are now back in lockdown again in the UK. Either in Tier 3 or Tier 4, we are under lockdown rules, once again. As devastating and depressing Christmas was in 2020, we ring in the New Year with another quiet celebration. To be

Self help: Making decisions for youself

Hey everyone, Welcome back!  Today's post is about decision making. This is something I have a lot of experience with and it took me a long time to come out of my shell. I know it may sound silly, 'not knowing how to make the right decisions' but at the end of the day, speaking from personal experience, I found it very hard to change my perspective on it, especially if you're someone who is shy/timid or have been labelled by a lot of negative connotations.  When you are in that state of mind, it is very difficult to snap out of it, cause your brain defaults whenever you face similar situation. In terms of making decisions, if you're someone that has not got the chance to choose & decide since young, it is completely normal to be where you are today which brings me to share with you ways to empower you to make more of your OWN decisions and be okay with it.  1) Trust yourself .  Yes, you've heard this line loads. Trusting someone is hard enough, but trusting

Self Help: 5 hard truths I learnt in my 20s

Hey everyone, Welcome back! Today I'm going to reflect on my 20s and see how things have changed, what I have learnt and I hope this can help you not go through some of the things I did. Let's get reflecting! A little disclaimer before I begin. I am writing this when I'm 29 years old and yes, I'm still in my 20s but a lot has happened especially in my early 20s that has allowed me to grow to who I am today and this post, is dedicated to acknowledging those things that I went through. Let's begin. Thi ngs I lea rnt i n my 20s . 1) Knowing yourself and standing up for yourself is vital. This was the biggest struggle for me. Going through high school up to university, I was known to be generous to the point I became a doormat. Everytime I would try to pull outself out of that mentality, I just felt guilt so I resulted in being a doormat for a really long time. As I got older and slowly question why do I allow these people to run my life, I started to pull back and it