Self Help : Appreciating priceless moments.
Hey everyone,
Welcome back!
We have moments in life where no matter how much the price we have to pay just to BE in it, it's worth every penny. Those moments are the ones we remember most & if you think back to the last moment of such , that you had -- if you remember the essence of the moment itself & what made it so priceless & special,
it all came down to one thing:
The effort being made to small details to make it such a memorable moment.
I.e: the simple things.
So yes, it could be that one facebook chat you had with a long lost friend OR it could be that meet up with a friend or a loved one just for coffee .. it could be anything .
These little times we tend to take for granted & take it as if 'it's just another day' kind of mentality when really, it's what sets our foundation of friendship between that person and you & it's amazing how their presence can make you feel happy & whole .
Because you never know. We've been brought up with the knowledge of knowing that life is unpredictable & it really is.. we've been constantly being put aware that 'anything can happen at anytime and time is short' . However, we as humans tend to challenge that thought & hence take things for granted until it's too late to change ..
I personally learnt the lesson the hard way as always & have finally force myself to change the way I think so that I won't have anymore regrets in life cause that's how exactly how I want to live. So yeah, people may think I look weird if I'm taking pictures of myself or trying to take selfies with friends - but it's to capture the moment that I spent with them to make sure it never goes out of style .
I also learnt to say 'thanks' in many situations as a sign of politeness and also as a sign of gratefulness. I try to practice these moral values to make me who I am today & I'm happy that it's got me to where I am now. =)
Yes I may be busy working , yes I may be busy trying to settle down but wherever I am in this world, I never stop being grateful.
There's always an excuse you can come up with to NOT do something, don't let this be one of them.
Life has a funny way of making moments nostalgic so appreciate each moment & live it to the fullest while you're still there, in that moment! =)
Hope this post inspired you to appreciate each moment you spend with your friends & family,
Stay Happy, : )