Self Help: How to be happy from within
Welcome back!
Hope you are all well.
Today I decided to write a post about happiness from within. I've been feeling a little 'moody' lately and it's starting to take a toll on me. It's pretty exhausting when you're trying to 'fake being happy' when you're outside.
Anyways, I had a few days off from work & because it was only like 3 days, I decided not to go anywhere . So I decided to give myself a full mental detox.
Give myself some time to de-clutter my environment & my life.
So this is where, things started to evolve & change for the better.
We do need it every so often
So here are the things that I made sure to keep in mind since then:
1)Appreciate what you have
I remember blaming things, blaming people & blaming every thing that I could blame on for things that had no control over it. For example : Blaming a bad day (a bad life) because things didn't go as planned or as you hoped. When really, if you think about it - the day itself had it's own great moments too but I was too caught up to see & appreciate those because I 'wanted' it to be a certain way.
By appreciating what we have & expecting less , we allow ourselves to be involved in every thing we do & find happiness from it instead of expecting things to go a certain way in order for you to feel happy.
2)Be honest with yourself
Fake being happy is fine, but fake 'feeling' happy is a whole other level. You just know when something isn't right - that little inside feeling that tells you, to look out for yourself (that feeling is called instincts) .
So be honest with yourself, even if it's in your mind , don't shut yourself out because when you're open & honest with your true self, you'll realize how it really helps knowing that 'you may not have anyone next to you, but you've always got you' & knowing that is enough to make you feel safe & secure when you're going through a bad phase in life .
3)Accept you for who you are & your flaws
We aren't perfect, we know that. No one is. We have good sides & bad sides to everyone that you see including you. So whether it's Kate Moss or yourself, I'm pretty sure she has some things about herself that she would like to improve on. But we don't see that ... why ... because confidence covers it all up. So by being confident & loving yourself for who you are is the easiest thing you can do to make yourself feel happy.
4)Aim to be better version of you
Instead of aiming to be that figure on the cover of the magazine, aim to be MORE of yourself, MORE of who YOU personally want to be. The question you should ask yourself is : What type of person do I want to be in the eyes of others. For example, if you want to be inspirational : then start by being inspired.
5)Stand up for things that makes you truly happy
The world is so big that you have opportunities everyday to create your own happiness. You don't need a Chanel lipstick to make you feel happy. Some people are happy enough by being able to afford drug store make up for example. So yeah, happiness costs nothing & it shouldn't cost anything.
6) Create yourself to who you want to be.
At the end of the day, you're the blank canvas. It's up to you how you paint your journey from now on ahead. =)
So good luck,
& wish you all the best,
Hope you enjoyed reading this post &
See you in my next one,