Self Help : How to learn to accept people's baggages
Hi everyone,
Welcome back!
Hope you're doing well. Today's post is written based on meeting new people , how to deal with their emotional baggage & how it should affect your life.
Based on my personal experience, everybody I've met comes with both good & bad traits. I've learnt to accept that life isn't perfect & tbh, I then learn to appreciate their imperfections even more & it gave me a new perspective of respecting that individual.
So yeah, there's nothing wrong with having 'problems' , there's nothing wrong with not being 'perfect'. In fact, it makes you even more beautiful when you meet someone who actually is comfortable & confident about the way they are , despite of their insecurities.
However, there is a limit to everything. Moderation is key so if someone sounds 'too good' or 'too bad' - that should be a warning sign to look deeper and figure out what is going on. On top of that, if you're around someone who makes you feel like you can't be your true self - it's also another sign to keep an eye out.
Anyways, with that - let's get right into the 'whether should you stay or should you go'.
a) Does it complement you?
Ask yourself this, with this person - does he or her beliefs/rituals complements your way of living? If this person believes in everything that you go against, it'll never work . So by taking time to get to know this person helps this situation. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs & opinions so it's about finding people who is on the same boat as you as oppose to those that will try to sink you without you knowing.
b) Enriches you to people's lives
Does this person make you life feeling more fulfilled & better with them around? Do they care for the people around you as much as you do or is it all an act? Being with the right people gives us new perspective & it should make the world a lot happier to live in so if this person makes you feel anything less, it might not be the right choice.
c) Makes you be involved & they appreciate your company
There are two types of people : One that will truly value your friendship and one that will value because you are leverage to them. Be wary of those who you allow into your inner circle of friends. Do they secretly backstab you? Do they only find you when they need you? or do they get you involved because they know how much you love it?
a) Weighs you down
The time to decide when you should leave a relationship is when they start to weigh you down, when you find it hard yourself to do the things you want because you're constantly caught up in their problems or you're stuck because they prevent you from being your true self.
b) Changes you
When they start to badly influence you to do things you told yourself you would never do , that's the big sign for you to leave. You shouldn't have to sacrifice any beliefs of your own to stay in a friendship/relationship .
c)Demotivates you
A struggle that normally is faced by couples who live two separate lives rather than working together, is when one gets demotivated with life & the other just carries on. In a relationship, if you two really care as friends/lovers - support comes into play as an important factor. At the end of the day, without support from anyone , everything we go through is twice as hard. So if you have someone in your life that constantly de-motivates you from your life, maybe it's worth considering to let them go.
It's normal for people to come and go in our lifetime, people change & that's ok. It doesn't mean you're not good enough , sometimes it just means - you two just grow up to go through two different paths of life & that's okay. :)
I hope this post inspired you to appreciate your friends more & value your relationships even more.
Take care & have a good day,
Happy New Year to you too x
Happy New Year to you too x
Shall see you in my next post,