Self Help: Why you should reward your struggles

Hey everyone,
Welcome back!


It has been a long time since I last blog. I've been itching to come back, just was not sure of what to write and what would people think. Hence, it's why I've put it off for so long. I've had a few days off and as nervous as I am to express how I feel and write about things I enjoy doing/would like to share, I would like to slowly start posting about things I see/feel or love along the way. For me, this is a space to reflect and to let out my thoughts. Take what you will from my posts but I hope they help you in some way with your day. :)

With that, let's get on with today's post! *excited*
Today I'm writing about rewarding your struggles. It's something that's easily forgotten but it's very important that we do so. I went through this myself and this is why I'm here sharing with you how it has changed the way I view & value myself.

A struggle is a phase or a moment in your life where you have experienced some form of trauma. It is so significant that it stains your mind and your behavior. It makes you look at life differently, impacting your decisions & life paths. As you already know, life is made up of many good & bad times. I've not met one person who has not experience any struggle in their life. In a way, this is how we are similar to one another.

If you are going through a struggle right now, just now it's not the end. As hard as it feels like there is no end to this, my advice to you is to trust your body. You may feel a variety of emotions, you may not be able to sleep properly, you may not want to get out of bed even...but if you give your body what it needs, I reassure you, you'll come of this struggle stronger. 

Here are the reasons why we you should reward your struggles.

1) It's what you've gone through, and you came out of it.
Your struggles are your challenges that you have to face. It's a personal journey of yours. It does not matter if every one else can't understand what you are going through. At the end of the day, you know your scars, you know how much you fought. I believe that's something you should be proud of. We don't tell ourselves enough everyday of these battles that we've fought & won within ourselves. 

2)It's made you who you are today.
These struggles that you fought in the past, all those bad decisions have made you more wise, strong & mature. You may blame yourself for those times but now when you reflect, if those moments did not happen you would not be who you are today. I'm not saying to be thankful that those bad times happened to you but to be able to say 'yes, I've got through it and I'm so glad to be past it'. Allowing yourself to let go of the past is another way of moving forward and to let go, you've got to accept your scars for what they are & be ok with them.

3)It's your unique story. 
As hard as we hate looking into those bad times in our life, we must accept that because of those times, we have so much stories to tell. Those experiences have made us all different and unique. Have you ever met someone who has so much life experience that you're blown away of how interesting their life was? That's you in a nutshell. It's time to stop blaming yourself for what has happened and accept that it's your story, it's your life's story. 

4)Why not?
 We know how to celebrate the good times, but why is it so hard to reward those hard times you've come out of? This is something as a society, we don't celebrate enough of. All of us fight our own battles everyday yet we still compare ourselves to make us to feel better. Maybe it's time we look within ourselves instead of looking at others who are on a different life path to us. 

5)How much do you respect yourself?
We've all grown up thinking that we have to study so we can find a decent paying job by certain age, get married and plan for a family.. and that's all that matters. I understand that those are important goals however, it's selfish if we put ourselves first? It's selfish if we respect our own wishes.. what? To me, that's crazy. As I've mentioned above, our struggles are unique to us. What we went through and how we felt are based on our individual self. I don't see why it's wrong to listen to what we need, what we want and what is important to us. We should not feel ashamed of our past/our battles. Hence, giving some form of reward will help remove some of that baggage that you've been carrying for so long. 
Those are the reasons why you should reward your struggles. I'm not saying to treat yourself to cake or expensive goods for surviving a tough day at work. I'm saying to give yourself a break. I know this post has been quite deep but I hope it has helped you reflect on your day and has opened a new door to your life. 

I hope you have a great day and remember,
changes takes time but slow progress is still progress, just don't give up.

Take care,
