Self Help: Taking the time to grow up
Hey everyone, Welcome back! Today I'm going to write about growing up & how it changes us to bring us where we are today. WARNING : It's going to be a deep post. ;) Yes I do love writing deep, either expressing my deepest thoughts and sharing them with the world. Anyways, when it comes to growing up, its one of those things where I'm still getting grip on. Its a hard transition not going to lie. One moment you're living your student life & the next, here comes the bills, insurance & responsibility. :O Here's how to make that transition less TOUGH on yourself physically and mentally. 1.) Start to accept that it's merely part of life. Growing up means being old & mature enough to take control of your life. It's about taking some of the responsibility your parents hold for you to ease them & to help them relax a little. By accepting that it's natural & its a normal path of life, it ease the worry of 'w