
Beauty: August 2024 Favourites

Hi, welcome back to another post. It's time to review my August beauty favourites. August has gone so quick and before you know it, it's September. It was my birthday in August but other than that, it was pretty much a normal month of work/home/gym life.  Due to this, I've been using more neutral eyeshadow looks for my day to day. Here are my favourite or most used August make up products.  Brow product of the month :  Glossier Boy Brow Gel This has been a hyped up brow gel for the last few years. It's a clear brow gel with a small brush, allowing you to coat each strand of hair on your eyebrow and make it stay all day. I must say, it does do what it says it should.  It holds my brow in place, it has a slight sticky formula so even towards the end of the day, when I touch my brow, I can feel some form of waxy texture on them. The only complaint I have is that, it's a small tube for £22. I previously used the  Nyx Control Freak Eyebrow Gel and that worked well for m

Beauty: July 2024 Favourites

Welcome back to another post. Let's reflect on my July make up favourites. Finally, the weather is starting to get warmer and it actually feels like SUMMER.  This month I have had more time to use dive into my make up collection and pick the ones I felt like using. Here are my favourites for July.   As you can see, this month's spread is very  much inspired by the Italian coast. I visited Cinque Terre at the end of June and was inspired by the bright, vibrant shades of summer.  Eyeshadow of the month : Too Faced Italian Spritz Palette I got this recently from The Cosmetic Company Store in Bicester Village. It's been on my radar since it came out but I could never spend £40 for an eyeshadow palette so I've been waiting for it to go on sale. I had to pick it up when I saw it in store. The packaging and the colours just screams summer to me.  It is as good as it looks, let me tell you that. The matte and shimmer shades packs a punch. This palette is now my 2nd brightest pa

Beauty: June 2024 Favourites

Hi, welcome back to another post! Let's reflect on June make up favourites. It's supposed to be summer but June's weather was like spring. Most days was raining, maybe the occasional day where there was sunshine.  I have not been using as much make up as I normally do however June was special because it was the month I got married too! I had a lot of time to spend with my family and loved ones and we all had a blast. When I could, these were the make up items I ended up using.   Eyeshadow Palette of the month :  Huda Beauty Mercury Retrograde Palette   I bought this palette 2 years ago and I'm still loving the colour story and formula. Each time I use it, I get a different look and it's the only palette in my collection where I have bright/pastel shades so it's perfect for the summer time or when the sun is out.  It helps to elevate my usual neutral eye look and gives me inspiration to try something new. I think it is on the verge of being discontinued because i

Beauty: May 2024 Favourites

Hi, welcome back! Let's discuss about makeup today. I've been getting back into make up again lately and been going through my collection and doing a 'shop my stash' style outlook at it. Over the years, I've collected a lot of make up so it's about time I make some progress with them.  What's left in my collection now are products that excites me every time I see it, touch it and use it so I'm pleased with what I have. If you know me, I feel in love with eyeshadow palettes in 2014 and ever since then, I've been growing my collection.  Today, I can safely say I still enjoy eyeshadow palettes but I also enjoy my blushes and lip products. Here are my favourites in the month of May 24.  Disclaimer: You may notice some of my make up products are from a few years back and because they are! I've been on a low buy for the last 1 year so I'm trying to reduce my spending on make up unless I need something new. I have linked all of the products for my o

Self Help: Being in my 30s

 Hi all, It has been a while. How are you? I'm good, I've been so busy with life that I found it hard to keep up with posting but I am back. I have been itching to come back for the last few months but been waiting to be in the right mental state to write this up. As you may now, I'm now in my 30s and yes, as everyone feels when we turn 30 - I too experienced society's pressure on being stable, financially secure, steady in my life, married and ready to start building a family.  For me, when I turned 30 years old a few years ago, all of these expectations hit me at once. Instead of feeling 'excited', I felt stressed, dread and just down. Suddenly, I'm no longer excited of what the future holds, where I could travel to, the financial freedom I have etc. This is the main reason why I'd like to write this post. It's to share with you my point of view of turning 30 years old. I hope this article makes you have a different perspective to entering your 30s

Relationship - Friendship in your 30s

 Hi, welcome back! I wanted to reflect today on my friendships and now that I'm in my 30s, I'm noticing how things have changed, my friendships/relationships have changed, how my perspective or what I want from a friendship has changed.  It's normal for friends to come and go as we progress further in our life. Our mindset and perspective changes as we grow older so accepting that people may come and go is normal. One thing I would say is that, it is hard making new friends as an adult and if you notice, a lot of people tend to stay within that same friendship group whether it's from an old work place, high school or university in their adult life.  I remember, in uni or in school, making friends comes naturally because you're in a room full of people of the same life circumstances so it's easier to connect. However, as an adult. you have different group of friends such as work friends, university friends, childhood friends, mum friends (if you're a parent)

Self Help - How to judge yourself less.

  Hi, welcome back! This topic came to my mind when I was caught doing it and yes, I admit from time to time, thoughts such as- 'why can't I be like this *person*, why am I not able to progress as far as them, why don't I get invited' or even statements like this- 'I'm not worth my time and effort, why should I take care of myself when no one cares, nobody would notice me if I am not around anyways, I get it wrong all the time anyways so this mistake is my fault, I don't deserve to be healthy or fit, what is the point of trying when I know I'm going to fail anyways'. This is some of the variation of thoughts, that came to my mind when I think about judging myself. Can I just say first and foremost that - THIS IS NORMAL . Unless you have not made a mistake, let anyone down or have failed in anything in your life so far, then you may not know what judging yourself feels like. This post is not for you in this case.  For the rest of us who have judge our

Beauty: Elf Bite Size Eyeshadow Palettes

 Hi everyone, Welcome back! Today we're looking at the  Elf Bite Size Eyeshadows . Can't believe they increased the price! It used to be 3 pounds when they first launched in 2020 and now, its 4 pounds each. Anyways, I'd still recommend them.  Let's take a closer look of these palettes.   Berry Bad   2 mattes and 2 shimmers.  Cream & Sugar 2 mattes and 2 shimmers. Pumpkin Pie 2 mattes and 2 shimmers  Rose Water 2 matte and 2 shimmers Here are the pros: 1) The shimmer shades for all palettes are creamy & pigmented - best to use your hands to apply than a brush 2) The mattes are easy to blend 3) Great drugstore quads for the price & quality 4) Easy to use 5) Travel friendly Here are the cons: 1) Some of the mattes can be powdery, need time to build up colour. 2) Some of mattes are brittle so I'd say buy it in store rather than delivery 3) The shimmer shade doesn't appear as pigmented if you use a brush to apply. These are my thoughts on the palette. My

Self Help: Why you should reward your struggles

Hey everyone, Welcome back!       It has been a long time since I last blog. I've been itching to come back, just was not sure of what to write and what would people think. Hence, it's why I've put it off for so long. I've had a few days off and as nervous as I am to express how I feel and write about things I enjoy doing/would like to share, I would like to slowly start posting about things I see/feel or love along the way. For me, this is a space to reflect and to let out my thoughts. Take what you will from my posts but I hope they help you in some way with your day. :) With that, let's get on with today's post! *excited* Today I'm writing about rewarding your struggles. It's something that's easily forgotten but it's very important that we do so. I went through this myself and this is why I'm here sharing with you how it has changed the way I view & value myself. A struggle is a phase or a moment in your life where you have experience

Self Help: Living abroad and dealing with the pandemic.

 Hi everyone, Welcome back.      I hope you are doing well. Today, I've got a lengthy post about the pandemic and how it has changed me & my family.      I understand that the pandemic has affected us all in our own way. This is not used to compare what you may have gone through but its for me to share what I've been through and what I have learnt from it.      The pandemic which has lasted for 1.5 years now, has changed us all. For me, it has made me more appreciative of what I have, be more grateful for the people in my life and also, make me rethink of the value in my expenditure. By living abroad, I do feel homesick more now than ever and the thought of not knowing when I can ever go back to Malaysia to visit my family, worries me.       At the end of the day, eventhough we are going through a pandemic/lockdown, time still carry on. We still get older, we still celebrate birthdays/anniversaries, weddings and pregnancies still continue. I believe this is where we start t